Kiva 2023

The format of a Kiva as a sacred fire ceremony is derived from a cultural circular space that was designated as social gathering, ritual or spiritual space that has roots in ancient civilizations and ancestral Puebloan peoples - modernly referred to in the Southern United states and Northern Mexico as the Aztec, Hopi, Anasazi, Mogollon and the Hohokam.

A bridge of consciousness

Like shifting from states of matter in the seen and unseen - each stage of transition and change is essential to a growth and evolutionary process. In companion with spirit brother and and elder council member of the Nasa Community, Luis Yunda, representing the Department of Cauca in Colombia, our global family and those that were holding ceremony in Cauca (San Agustin) I was invited to take part in the 2023 Kiva Sacred Fire Ceremony to honour the earth and ancestors by opening a shared portal.

As a guardian of spirit and ancestors, we began by building a large site specific sun-ray installation in the earth which housed the birth to death progression of the ceremony in France simultaneously during the proceedings of our Colombian kin. Constructing the framework from elements found of the land — becoming the home for our ceremony on distant soil. A bed of meditation, global contributions of visions and prayers, fortified a pyre with layers of palo santo, wheat, roses, jasmine, rosemary, sage, juniper, palm and a mix of various incenses and herbs set ablaze. This was the medium of conversation offered through the portal. Along with the heartbeat of my drum, we sat astride this sunburst of earth, stone, pine and agate to meditate on our shared prayers. Thanks to Louisa and Seb for welcoming/inviting all of these spirits to both find a place of rest and to come alive in such a protected and cherished place.