Inspired By Nature

Excursions and online course for Biomimicry Frontiers

The Concept

Inspired By Nature is an online course centred around incorporating nature’s design solutions into our life design to change perspectives, create and anchor sustainable paradigm shifts.

Through the lens of nature and how we interact with it, the presentation of this research and its practical application encourages each cohort to think with both the eco and anthropocentric critical and connected minds in examining incremental and large scale change within areas of lifestyle, public engagement and cross-discipline collaborations.

Within the larger universe of Biomimetic thinking, we worked closely to align the course aesthetically and linguistically to a science mindset existing symbiotically with a spiritually conscious mindset. This perspective flows into the meditations, experiences and content presented within the excursion setting — encouraging those attending the course to truly embody the material.

In highlighting words and proposed works by a culturally diverse group of scientists, naturalists, poets and spiritualists, this work offers a well-rounded foundation to move forward from.

Life as ceremony.
Nature as kin.

What does it truly mean to live sustainably?
To act with awareness — in communion with our natural world?

The Biomimicry Frontiers (named a “World-Changing Idea” by Fast Company (2019)) team and its founder, Jamie Miller, seek to introduce pathways of thought, creation and integration — inspired by nature — into the methods of how we design our lives, products and environments. Natural innovations (when paired with critical forms of questioning, cultural integration and iterative experimentation) have the power to deeply impact the way that human beings interact with one another in relation to our changing environment. We begin to understand the mutual benefits of learning from one another as symbiotic beings, rather than categorically exclusive species.