Energy Dialogues: A bridge
between the heart, mind,
soul & spirit
Building Temples of Our Bodies
Our body. A sacred vessel. The house of our divine being - our soul and spirit united.
We emerge from the womb as agents of love, openness and healing - connected to the divine truth. In this, we all have the capacity to shape, influence and impact our lives, environments and one another through the intention of our energy. However - due to trauma, conditioning, negative imprints and contextual experiences - we learn to shield our vulnerabilities, erecting protective barriers against one another and in turn, parts of ourselves. When these barriers are further internalized and buried in subconscious patterns, they can become anchors or catalysts for disconnection within us.
If you have found yourself feeling imbalanced, overwhelmed or depleted - struggling to cope with the ongoing and cyclical stresses of life - or, if you are aware of energetic blockages, shadow and heaviness that you would like to begin addressing, you may be interested in exploring the process of entering into Energetic Dialogue work with me.
Building Altars Out of Breath
I invite you to embark upon a journey of understanding. To commit to opening the door to a process that will help you (re)connect and/or deepen your connection with your life universe and how you may process the vast myriad of experiences, tones, sensitivities and perspectives that compose the lens through which you ‘see’ the world and your place in it.
We are celestial beings, with exquisite purpose and magnificent will.
Will of sculpting and acknowledging your body as a sacred vessel.
Will of manifesting your consciousness.
Will of nourishing your spirit being.
Will to allow and accept yourself to be - just as you are - to affirm that you have the strength, knowing and capacity to expansively learn and move forward through the challenges that mirror your life path.
Our energetic journey will progress over a series of bespoke ceremonies incorporating tools such as guided meditation, open discussion, breathing, visualization, scent, sound stimulus, channeling energy through no-touch/consensual touch healing at specific points of the body and the ritualistic practice of loving worship of self without shame.
Accessing your spiritual lineage, ancestry, soul and reclaimed self, we work at the pace that is best for you. At no time will I endeavour to energetically cross a boundary, expose or take away something that your spirit is not ready to let go of. Ultimately, you are and learn to become your own healer through this unveiling of self. In this consent-based process, each tool is brought as support to illuminate your choices and safely exchange for you - so that, together, we collaborate in your learning/teaching.
Through establishing, sustaining and safely maintaining a healthy energetic core, you will learn how to support and trust yourself to (re)access your truth, nurture and fortify an intimate, communicative relationship between your spirit, soul, intellectual mind and heart mind through sensory listening, asserting boundaries and a deep commitment to accountability with oneself. At times it will be gentle. At times it will be harsh. At no time, will it be “easy”.
Trust me. You. are. worth. every. dedicated. moment.
You deserve to be tended to with resplendent love and kindness.
You deserve to find an ocean of peace within yourself.
You deserve a committed relationship to all aspects of what ‘sees and serves’ your highest purpose best.
You are a living, breathing, work of art that deserves to be revered and treated as such.
A formidable, wise and benevolent plant spirit teacher told me, ‘the most divine thing I can show you is your life’. Through this work of considered process, the same is what I wish to impart to you - the inspiration to live YOUR life. But first...you must make the choice and commit to open the door fully to yourself. In choosing to walk this path in commitment, please bring respect for the time we will share, openness to the process, and a sense of mutual equality without ego.