Pedagogias de Imaginacion Espiral 2023
Exchange and presentation of ceremonial mirroring challenging perception of identity and self within one another — beside NOMASMETAFORAS, distinguished guests and elders on the sacred land of Cauca, Colombia with UAIIN-CRIC for the seminar Pedagogias de Imaginacion Espiral.
Following NOMASMETAFORAS seminar — Schizo Shamanic Ideologies and Practices — with ArTec/University Paris 8 and energetically supporting the collective and their work with a leadership delegation from UAINN CRIC during their 2022 presentation and residency “Pedagogies of the secret: revitalizing Mother Earth” at La Cité Internationale des Arts, Honour Thy Lovers was invited to become a spiritual guardian of the delegation Consejeros and to present in residency as kin the following year within the context of UAINN CRIC in the Department of Cauca, Colombia.
The invitation spawned spiritual discourses regarding reclamation of ancestry and adoption into parallel lineages, life-changing experiences of community learning and exchange through reception into indigenous families and territories, breeding foundations of cultural sustainability, harmonization and ritual practices on ancestral lands with student, leaders and educators, teaching workshops centred around identity, traditional medicine and cultural ceremonial practices, as well as service to the community through Energy Dialogues and treatment accompanied by Dume Reshke, plant spirit immersions and Syn/Tak Bone Divination sittings to address situations of duress and conflict within the territories, clashing ideologies and socio-politically driven entities.