Ritual Projects — Portals to Self Discovery
The Portals Series is an audio/video collection for IGTV created in collaboration with Ritual Projects to highlight gateways to greater self-reflection that allow for a deeper dive into discovering our energetic self.
As a response to the global CoVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown - in absence of distraction - many individuals began looking toward realms of well-being, spirituality and engaging in the other facets of self to seek out stability, direction and foundational change within tangible elements. Each segment of the Portal series offered a brief outline within which people may begin to engage with a specific element. These portals were created as introduction to Honour Thy Lovers Ceremonial and Energetic Dialogue work to open doors for people to begin asking questions of themselves without judgement and perhaps, to begin walking the journey with me and the team of Ritual Projects.
This series has been featured in Business of Fashion and Les Inrocks (France).
Listen here.